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Updated: Nov 24, 2023


Gender equality is not only a fundamental human right but a necessary foundation for a peaceful, prosperous, and sustainable world. Yet, despite international commitments towards equitable gender representation, and many efforts by individual countries, women remain under-represented in the world's parliaments and decision-making positions.


It took until 1927 for all U.S. states to eliminate laws barring married women from owning and controlling property. The act of voting was considered a man's job until 1920 when women were finally allowed to vote in the United States. So what, some may ask? The point is that women today should not have to worry about their basic human rights.

Gender disparities in learning and skill development are also caused by discriminatory teaching styles and educational materials. As a result, roughly one in every four girls between the ages of 15 and 19 is neither working nor enrolled in education or training, compared to one in every ten boys.

Despite significant obstacles that continue to deny them equal rights, girls refuse to limit their objectives. The globe has seen unequal progress since the signing of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action in 1995 - the most comprehensive policy agenda for gender equality.

Girls are attending and completing school in greater numbers, and fewer are marrying or becoming moms while still having children. However, discrimination and restrictive stereotypes are still prevalent. Girls face new problems as a result of technological advancements and humanitarian crises, while old ones — violence, entrenched biases, and limited learning and life chances – endure.

An example of Gender Inequality was seen when Army Private Hannah Sofiat Akinlade, was illegally held against her will by the Nigerian Army. Her offense was that she accepted a marriage proposal from her NYSC Lover at Mammy Market in Ilorin.


On the slides are pictures of male Army officers at various times who proposed to their girlfriends and were never arrested or detained.

She did nothing wrong and broke no laws by accepting a marriage proposal in uniform from her lover after isolating herself from the Passing Out Parade at the NYSC camp in Kwara State. Male soldiers have done it and they were applauded.

She stated that they have been in the relationship for over 3years now and didn’t start their relationship in camp.

In recent years, the government, many businesses, and employees have worked to stamp out issues involving workplace gender inequalities which are rife in Nigeria and Africa at large. Cases such as;

*unfavorable recruitment strategy which concerns whether or not a female will get married or even have children if she’s given a job

*Unequal pay, compensation, and Treatment for comparable roles, etc.

As sensitive and serious as it is, it’s unfortunate to see that a top Government body like the Nigerian Army is openly showing its Misogyny.

The Gender Equality Index is an analytical tool designed to measure the gap between men and women in the areas of reproductive health, empowerment, and employment. For the first time in history, we are witnessing a decline in gender inequality.

While the world has made meaningful progress in a number of areas, it is clear that we have a long way to go. The Equal Futures Partnership has been created in order to focus on gender equality in international development more effectively. This new initiative will significantly increase the voice and influence of women at the highest levels of policy-making on issues affecting the lives of girls and women.


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